弗吉尼亚理工大学® 首页

Computational and Systems 神经科学

Computational and Systems 神经科学 is an interdisciplinary branch of 神经科学 that incorporates theoretical and experimental approaches to understand the brain. 学生 choosing this major will explore tools and techniques that Neuroscientists use to make sense of the vast data available in hope of finding solutions to neurological diseases and disorders as well as to understand processes such as decision-making, 上瘾, 动机, 和更多的. 学生 in this major will also be able to explore exciting re搜索 areas in artificial intelligence and human-computer interactions. Typical computational neuroscience students will develop a strong background in 数学 and computer programing. Each student will complete a discussion based senior seminar class.


  • Academic scientist/professor*
  • 网络安全
  • 数据分析师
  • 自治系统
  • Spotify, Microsoft, and Intel

*an advanced degree beyond a bachelor's is likely required.